The benchmark in Europe for surveying and monitoring with more over 200 clients

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Make surveying and monitoring safe and easy

Visionary surveyors has transformed surveying expertise into advanced robotics

Our self-driving robot
Safety, Efficiency and 24/7 Operational capacity

Safety, Efficiency and 24/7 Operational capacity

Goal-oriented temporary staff on demand with Robot-as-a-Service

Rilievo con robot

Over 100 km of motorway detected and calculated in Milan

01 Feb 2024
Verification and integration of the mapping of highways n. A52 and A51 with the help of Geosolvo Solutions®
Riverbed survey

Topographical surveys river belt

08 Feb 2023
Three-dimensional measurements for preparation hydrological-hydraulic study of a watercourse

Thermographic inspection of the landfill

16 Jun 2022
Survey with drone and thermal camera